Secret Cinema
Secret Cinema is a phenomenal brand delivering incredible immersive cinematic experiences. Having gone from providing grassroots film screenings in abandoned London buildings, to producing large-scale productions worldwide, it’s fair to say that some of their back-office functions weren’t quite as slick as their shows.
The challenge
Processes were manual, technology was not fit for purpose, customer data was fragmented, and there were no established KPIs. The lack of organised data, combined with the lack of appropriate tools meant that they couldn’t leverage their data either for marketing, or for reporting. However, now they wanted to grow, and introduce other propositions that would move their appeal beyond the die-hard fanatical film lover. They also wanted to be able to measure the success of those initiatives. Their ambition was to have all their data in one place, so that they could perform customer analysis, produce segmentation, automate internal processes and report KPIs to the C-suite.
How we helped
To do this, they needed a technology roadmap that could get them where they needed to be, and a KPI framework that could measure their progress. And as an agile company with teams already working at capacity, they needed a consultancy that could match their pace and that wouldn’t take up hours of their time. With budgets focused on upholding their exceptional production values, they also needed a consultancy that understood that the recommended technology couldn’t be a Who’s Who of enterprise solutions.
The results
Within 3 months, The Data Works was able to provide:
A fully costed technology roadmap
A breakdown of internal resource required
A Single Customer View database design
A KPI framework
From this, Secret Cinema now have an operational Single Customer View database, a KPI dashboard, and a Customer Segmentation model. They can now see who their customers are, target specific customers with personalised communications, and report on their KPIs to the board.